Sunday School
Age 3 to 8th Grade

Sundays 8:45 a.m.

In our Sunday School program, kids get to encounter and grow with Jesus every week. Beginning at age three, children join others in their age group for hands-on learning about Jesus through interactive Bible-stories, games, crafts, music and more!

Sunday school runs from the first Sunday after Labor Day to the Sunday before Memorial Day.

For more information, contact Alyssa, our Youth, Family & Education Director,

Vacation Bible School
Trinity members, neighbors, and friends of all ages (adults included!)

Each year participants learn about Jesus and our faith with stories, games, crafts, food, and more. A cross-generational experience allows learning at all levels and helps strengthen the relationships we value at Trinity. Watch for upcoming program details in our Events section.


Contact Alyssa, our Youth, Family & Education Director, for more information at